Sustainability / Environmental ReportEnvironmental Management

Basic Approach

The Daicel Group seeks to fulfill its role in realizing a circular society by engaging in Group-wide activities that protect the environment by making effective use of the limited resources in its manufacturing process to minimize the Group’s environmental impact. In accordance with the Daicel Group Basic Policies for Responsible Care, we pursue initiatives under the specific themes of addressing climate change, reducing and recycling waste, reducing emissions of chemical substances, preserving water resources, preventing air pollution, and preserving biodiversity. Daicel’s business sites and Group companies execute their environmental management systems such as ISO 14001 and regularly report their progress while engaging in continuous dialogue with our stakeholders.

Promotion System

The Daicel Group has established an environmental management system under the promotion system for responsible care (“RC”) to implement energy-saving measures, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, waste and the environmental impact on air and water quality, and preserve water resources and biodiversity. In each of these initiatives, we strive to protect the environment through continuous improvements by applying a CAPD cycle* through which we revise our plans based on the results of the certification audits for ISO 14001 as well as internal and RC audits and formulate and execute new plans.

*Instead of a Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA) cycle, the most widely known approach to continuous improvement, Daicel has adopted a CAPD improvement cycle to avoid the risk of overlooking crucial facts and realities that often lie hidden in the initial planning stage.

Promotion System for Environmental Management

Promotion System for Environmental Management

Environmental Impact of Business Activities

The environmental impact of the Daicel Group’s business activities (material balance) in FY2023/3 is shown below.

Environmental Impact in FY2023/3 (Material Balance)

Environmental Impact in FY2023/3 (Material Balance)
  1. *1Includes 35 million tonnes of seawater for cooling
  2. *2Renewable materials (pulp and biomass ethanol), 153 thousand tonnes; non-renewable materials 490 thousand tonnes.
  3. *3Includes CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, and NF3, aside from CO2.
  4. *4Includes the headquarters, etc.
  5. *5Daicel's business sites and domestic Group companies
  6. *6Includes water as a byproduct from manufacturing

ESG DataEnvironmental Performance Data

Internal Environmental Audits

In accordance with ISO 14001, each business site of the Daicel Group undergoes audits by a certification body and an annual internal audit. The internal audit is focused on auditing compliance with standards, follow-ups on matters that had been previously pointed out, and legal compliance with environmental regulations.

Education and Training on the Environment

The Daicel Group provides education to employees at each business site in accordance with ISO 14001 for operations that have an impact on environmental performance such as our initiatives on climate change, reduction and recycling of waste, management of chemical substance emissions, environmental management of air quality, etc. and with regard to compliance obligations. In particular, we seek to raise awareness of our climate change initiatives among employees at the headquarters through the work of the Energy Strategy Committee.

Status of Compliance with Environmental Regulations

In FY2023/3 and over the last three years, there were no serious violations of environmental regulations at Daicel nor was there any litigation involving fines for violations of the law, punitive measures, or compensation for environmental damages.

Status of Environmental Management System Certification

Environmental management system certification has been obtained by 82% of Daicel Group’s production sites (85% in Japan and 79% overseas) as of April 2023. Please refer to the following link on the current status of environmental management system certification.

Status of Environmental Management System Certification