Investor Relations / Stock and Bond InformationBonds and Rating


Swipe the screen to view more.As of December 31, 2023
(Millions of yen)

Description Date of Issue Date of Redemption Amount of Issue Annual Interest Rate
The 12th Unsecured Bonds Sep 15, 2017 Sep 13, 2024 10,000 0.230%
The 13th Unsecured Bonds Sep 15, 2017 Sep 15, 2027 10,000 0.370%
The 15th Unsecured Bonds Dec 14, 2020 Dec 12, 2025 20,000 0.160%
The 16th Unsecured Bonds Dec 14, 2020 Dec 14, 2027 30,000 0.380%
The 17th Unsecured Bonds Dec 14, 2020 Dec 13, 2030 30,000 0.500%


Rating Agency Long-term Issuer Rating Rating Date
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) A+ / Stable June 27, 2024

For detailed rating information, please Inquire of the rating agency.