White Paper

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Applicability of co-processed excipients to continuous manufacturing: Direct compression

Topics covered in this white paper

  • Applications in the continuous manufacturing of co-processed excipients.
  • Advantages of applying co-processed excipients to the continuous manufacturing.


In Continuous Manufacturing (CM), minimizing lot-to-lot differences in raw materials is important for stabilizing product quality. The application of co-processed excipients may be useful in resolving this issue because they allow multiple excipients to be treated like a single excipient. In this report, HiSORAD™ was applied to the CM and evaluated. Compared to the physical mixture, HiSORAD™ performed better in all evaluations and meet the set quality target product profile.

the continuous manufacturing of co-processed excipients

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White Paper title Applicability of co-processed excipients to continuous manufacturing: Direct compression

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